Team Website Navigation
The script for the video is below and can be translated into any language using the Google Translate button directly above the video on this page.
This is a short video on how to use the Team website. Notice that it is H2o not H2 zero.
The correct link is where you replace YourUserName with your company username. You MUST use lowercase rid for referral ID.
The team website is designed to overcome the challenges of the company website which leaves the new prospect completely confused not knowing what they are purchasing without a prior introduction.
The website opens with an immediate picture showing what the product is about and can be played as a SHORT two-minute video with a couple before and after pictures. The pictures in the video should say it all. They either believe the pictures or they do not. Either way, they are going to need to try the product personally before they are going to engage others.
There is a menu of links across the top of the website leading to other videos and tools.
By selecting the translate drop down menu the entire site can be converted to another language. The script for the video is below the video.
The website was designed to work with cell phones and has a slightly different appearance. The focus includes the video, the “Order” link displayed in a couple places, and the bullet points for the video. Some cell phones may not display the language translator.
The main difference on a phone is you cannot see the Menu of links but instead are presented a three-bar menu icon. If you select the icon, the initial menu will be shown on the cell phone. This menu provides additional basic information and can be expanded by clicking on the “Tools” menu.
No matter what menu is showing on the cell phone, the “Order” link is easy to access. When the prospect clicks the “Order” link they are immediately taken to the company website, set up as a member, on the order page, and displaying the Name and Username of the member who referred them.
If for some reason the prospect is looking to be a customer only or needs to see other information on the company website such as the video, just click Continue, then click the name of the “Company” and they will be taken to the company website coded to the referrer.
Now I will briefly cover the material presented via the links on the MagicH2o website. We have already covered the “Order” link and the “Introduction” is the home page or first thing your prospects see. We have already discussed this webpage.
Next is the “Product” link. This is a seven-minute video covering glutathione and the breakthrough technology. Once again, the script of the video is below the video and can be translated into many languages. The translations are not perfect but should be good enough to penetrate any country.
The “Opportunity” link is a short four-minute video on the “Basic” compensation plan.
The “Research” link is very important to keep you compliant when presenting the product. Instead of making claims or confirming some ailment, just have your prospect visit the research link and search what they are looking for by adding their condition after the word glutathione. They will get all the studies in PubMed relating to their search.
These first set of links should be all you need to present an introduction to the product and how to get product free by sharing with a few people. Keep things simple, no one should need the “Tools” until they have product and are ready to share it with others.
The first links under the “tools” are several before and after pictures in the gallery. You can print the pictures to take with you and show them or you can copy the link and send them to others when prospecting.
The “How to Use Products” link explains how to use the products and why you need to use them properly.
The “Team Website” is this video explaining how to use the team website and tools.
The “Website Usage” introduces you to websites, apps, presentations, and groups to work and socialize with. It also contains links to calls including the weekly Team Zoom. These are key tools if you are looking to make this a real business.
The “Flyers” are designed for individual businesses to post to draw attention to the product. I carry a set of all flyers and gallery pictures to present when I am prospecting in the community, attending trade shows, or doing home parties. I do not give flyers away, I let prospects take a picture of them. This will save you marketing expenses and make it more difficult for them to throw it away.
The “Strategy” presents a way to go through the compensation plan with a set of goals for reaching the various commission levels.
The “Example Math” is a video and works hand in hand with the “Strategy” to demonstrate how the math works in the compensation plan. This video is to demonstrate the math and in no way is a guarantee of any income.
The “Marketing” link works with the flyers by teaching you how to present to small businesses.
The “Free Gift” is a 100-page motivation eBook for all ages with over a million copies distributed. It can be coded with your contact information and there are links on the top and bottom of every page linking to the Team and the Company Website coded to you.
The flyers and eBook are rebrandable PDFs. This means you can code your name and phone / email into the flyers or on the cover of the eBook. They also include links to your MagicH2o website coded to you. As example, if you click the “Sports Flyer” you will be presented with an image of the flyer and a form to enter your name, email and or phone. Next check the “GDPR” box then click “Rebrand this Book”.
You will be presented with a form that you can either copy the link, share on Facebook or Twitter, or download the PDF. If you send out the link in yellow, they will be able to view the PDF in their browser prior to downloading.
This is an example of the “Sports” flyer. Notice it can have your contact information and a link to your website coded to you.
As soon as you engage your customer and have them on the products, send them to this “Team Website” link so they can take advantage of the Team System.
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