Plan for Leaders

Join, Invest, and Train the Same




Join Our Team

Become a Leader


The script for the video is below and can be translated into any language using the Google Translate button directly above the video on this page.

This short video is the Plan for the Get Over It and Get Rich Team.

There are over 200 webpages, videos, documents, links, and other training through this website.  This section is for LEADERS who what to make MONEY.   If you want to go down the trail of knowledge you are welcome, but you will delay your income.  The technology, products and compensation are incredible.  Watch the Invite Video linked above BEFORE watching this video.

The plan is simple:

  1. Register with your sponsor by clicking the “REGISTER” button on this page or the link at the top of the page.  Make sure the page has YOUR sponsor’s name on the registration page.
  2. Order one of the $100 Essential packs to get in the system and product on the way.
  3. Order a $300 Quarterly Combo pack to start on the first of the next month as an auto order.  (You cannot see all your business details until you order for the month.  Setting the auto order early lets you track your business early.)
  4. Commit to your sponsor buying the quarterly pack for a year.
  5. Send your username to the team support at (H2o not H2 zero). Spelling and capitalization is important.  (Only members in the topdoggie downline or paid for the website have this system connected through to the company.)
  6. Verify your link works and links to your registration page at the company.   Contact if needed.  You may want to put a domain name on top of your link to simplify what you tell people.  When sending email or text just copy the link above.  It does not matter how long it is because they are just going to click it.
  7. Tell your contact to visit your link and watch the invite, plan, and calculator videos in order at the top of the page.  Then have them visit and test the calculator.

Here is how you build:

  1. Put everyone on your front line up to the first 28 days.
  2. Leave the first three Leaders who commit to stay active for a year and pay for quarterly on your front line.
  3. Move any extra quarterly commitments you sponsor under the first three until they each have three.
  4. Move any extra quarterly commitments third level until each of the nine have three.
  5. Move anyone who purchases a $100 monthly auto order below your third level leaders.
  6. If you do not have committed quarterly leaders yet, stack your $100 monthly auto members one below another three levels deep. Start a new line when it is three levels deep.
  7. Others, not on Monthly or Quarterly orders, can be placed below others to help volume. Prefer placing under your third level $100 monthly auto orders if possible.  Do NOT put Leaders under Members with $100 monthly auto orders or less.

Your Goal:

  1. Get 3 Quarterly committed Leaders on your front line.
  2. Teach them to each get 3 Quarterly committed for a total of 9 second level.
  3. Teach the second level to each get 3 Quarterly committed for a total of 27.
  4. Start a new 3, 9, 27 group of Quarterly committed for new bonuses.
  5. Repeat until you have enough money to maybe read about the products and find out why everyone loves them so much.


Not everyone is going to make a quarterly commitment.  Most will just want to know about the product.  You can tell them to link to the product website above for their education. There is plenty of support for regular members and customers. Place them as stated above.  (Customers are always on your front line.)

Remember, if you want to make the big money then teach the money process FIRST.  It is easy to switch to the product website which leads to ALL the material.  Your normal product link is  (H2o not H2 zero).

After watching this Plan Video watch the Calculator Video.  You will learn why this strategy is so important.  Not following the plan can revert your income back to the average person who is just enjoying the products.

Play with the calculator:

When you get good at it, you will be motivated to follow and teach the plan.  You will also be able to immediately point out why we use this plan.  You will also learn how to show others in other programs the major difference and why this will out pay their program with the same people in their pay zone.

Contact the person who sent you to this video and let them know where you want to be in the management structure.

Your income is dependent on commitment, effort, and sales skill along with where you live, your financial condition and other factors. No one is going to do the work for you.

Copyright 2022: Genus Enterprises LLLP All Rights Reserved.